Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes or Not?
We have provided this information on dogs and tomatoes because we want your dog to have the healthiest possible diet. Can Dogs Eat tomatoes or not? If Tomatoes are healthy for dogs and whether to completely avoid them by reading on. Can dogs eat tomatoes?
Yes,they can. The tomatoes that are offered to the dog must be ripe. By ripe it means that it must be full red or cherry red without a single green spot or a green part. The stems of the tomato accommodate harmful natural chemicals that can affect the health of the dog. Two chemicals are known as solanine and tomatine which are present in different parts of the tomatoes. Eating the stem, leaves, or seeds of the tomato can affect the dog’s health. So, avoid giving it to the dog and also make sure the dog does not eat it.
Benefits Of Tomatoes For A Dog
Tomatoes provide various benefits to a dog. The tomato contains many vitamins like Vitamin A, C, and K. These help the dogs in physical growth. Also, tomatoes have antioxidants which help the dogs to heal if there is any problem in the body. Tomatoes are watery in nature which gives the dogs more power which helps to recover them from physical tiredness and helps to perform physical activities more actively. Tomatoes also contain fibres and potassium which helps in building tissue.
Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes Sauce ?
When it comes to tomato sauce the dogs cannot have it because it comes in a jar or a can. These sauce jars and cans contain different types of chemicals and sugar in good quantity. These chemicals can harm the digestive system of a dog. In some sauces additives like onion are also present which is again not good for dogs to consume. If you can make fresh sauce at home without any additives then you can offer it to the dog.
Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes Raw ?
Yes, dogs can eat tomatoes raw. But there are a few measures you need to take while giving a raw tomato to a dog.
- The tomato should be a ripe one.
- Avoid giving green tomatoes or a tomato with a green patch.
- Remove the stem of the tomato.
- Wash the tomato before offering it to the dog.
- Do not offer tomatoes in quantity. Offer them in limit.

Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes Cooked ?
Yes, dogs can eat tomatoes cooked. The cooked tomatoes help eliminate harmful substances like solanine from the tomato. Cooked tomatoes are more safe to offer than raw tomatoes. While cooking the tomato for a dog avoid adding any additives like onion, garlic, seasoning, pepper, or any other thing. The additives might harm the dog resulting in compromising the health of the dog. Always serve plain light cooked tomatoes to the dog that also occasionally.
Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes Soup ?
It can be said that dogs can and can not drink tomato soup. Dogs can not drink tomato soup if it is packed in a jar or in a packed container. It is so because the soup contains some harmful additives that help to keep the soup fresh for a longer period. If the soup is made at home then the dog can have it but make sure you do not add anything like pepper, seasoning, or any other additive in the soup. Even the soup made at home with additives can harm the dog.
Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes Seeds ?
It is advised to not give tomato seeds to the dog because the seeds contain tomatine chemicals in them. This tomatine harms the dog by disturbing the digestion of the dog. It is always advised to remove the seeds from the dog’s food. If you are giving the ripe tomato with the seeds it is not that harmful because the effect of the tomatine is almost zero. But to keep your dog safe it is important to not give those seeds also. Since the tomatine level is almost nill there is still a chance that it can disturb the dog’s digestive system. So, add a habit while giving food to dogs, always remove the seeds.
Are Tomatoes Harmful For A Dog ?
Tomatoes are not harmful to anyone including a dog. But some parts of tomatoes or unripe tomatoes can be harmful for the dog. It is because the Green part contains toxins that affect the health of the dog. The solanine present in tomatoes’ green part is considered dangerous for dogs and if eaten or digested can act as a poison for a dog. Also, remove the seeds because seeds contain tomatine which harms the digestive system of dog. Whilst ripe tomatoes are commonly safe for dogs, it’s necessary to put off all stems, leaves, and green parts before feeding them to your pet. Also, remove the seeds of the tomato while giving the tomato to the dog.
Safe Ways To Feed Tomatoes To A Dog

There are many safe ways to feed tomatoes to a dog. The following ways are:-
- Fresh tomatoes: Always offer fresh tomatoes to dogs because these do not cause any harm to the dog.
- Separate green parts: Always remove the green parts from the tomato because green parts contain natural chemicals that are harmful to the dog.
- Ripe tomatoes: Ripe tomatoes are the safest for the dogs. Since these do not contain any green parts there is no chance of solanine toxin which can affect the dog. Also, the tomatine chemical effect is upto nil in the ripe tomato but still remove the seeds to eliminate the tomatine effect.
- Limit quantity: Always offer tomatoes in low quantities to the dogs. Higher quantity may result in health issues.
- Cut into smaller pieces: Always cut tomatoes in smaller pieces which can be easily chewed. This prevents the chance of getting choked.
- Cook tomatoes: Try offering cooked tomatoes to the dogs because they are more beneficial than raw tomatoes. The cooked tomatoes eliminate the effects of the chemicals present in the tomato.
- Monitor reactions: Always give a small quantity of tomato and wait if there is any reaction or not. If there is no reaction then start adding tomatoes to the diet. If there is any issue you feel then get in touch with your Vet.
Tomatoes Alternatives For A Dog
Many tomato alternatives for a dog are present in the market. A few of the alternatives are as follows:
- Fruits
- Bananas
- Apple
- Blueberry
- Peaches
- Pear
- Orange
- Pineapple
- Watermelon and many more
- Vegetables
- Carrot
- Broccoli
- Sprouts
- Corn
- Beans
- Sweet potatoes
- Peas
- Spinach and many more
Frequently Asked Questions
Can dogs eat tomatoes and cucumbers?
Yes, tomatoes and cucumbers can be eaten by a dog. While giving tomatoes avoid giving the green parts because of the chemicals it contains.
Is it safe for dogs to eat tomatoes?
Yes, tomatoes are considered safe for a dog to eat if they are ripe and all the green parts are removed.
Can dogs eat onions?
It is advisable to not give onions to dogs because onions contain some natural toxins that are not at all good for a dog to consume.
We can conclude that tomatoes are beneficial for a dog. Always take proper measures when offering tomatoes to the dog. Tomatoes are good both ways whether given as raw or cooked. Always give ripe tomatoes to the dog because green tomatoes can harm the health of the dog. The tomatoes must be cleaned properly and all the green parts must be removed. Always monitor the condition of the dog while feeding them tomatoes. Avoid giving dogs tin or jar tomato-based products due to the additives they contain. There are also many alternatives available for tomatoes whether they are fruits or vegetables.